Sustainable Transport Africa works with the Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles on the Used Vehicles Working Group.
Ariadne Baskin of UN Environment gives a snap shot of used vehicles in Africa at the Africa Clean Mobility Week 2018
At the session on used vehicles in day four at the Africa Clean Mobility Week 2018, Sustainable Transport Africa made a presentation on the work if the Used Vehicles Working Group, download the presentation below.
Zacharia Karenge of Isuzu East Africa presents the situation for Completely Knocked Down (CKD) New Vehicle Assemblers competing against used vehicle imports in Kenya.
The Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV) Used Vehicle Working Group is a multi-sectoral group exploring policy, financing and regulatory strategies on the international trade of used vehicles.
The status of used vehicle import restriction on African countries is given by Ariadne Baskin of IN Environment at the Africa Clean Mobility Week 2018
The working group was conceived from the 11th PCFV Global Partners Meeting (GPM) held in London in June 2016 where the issue of used vehicles was highlighted.
As a follow up to this, the first ever international meeting on used vehicles was held on 20 Feb 2017 in Geneva co-organized by UN Environment and UN Economic Commission for Europe.