Road Safety
Sustainable Transport Africa highlights situations where public awareness and training in road safety for all road users would result in reduced road accidents.
This accident involving a car on the highway and a motorcyclist joining the highway happened on 18th October at around 11am along Kiambu Road at Evergreen.
Sustainable Transport Africa involved at high-level discussions on road safety in Nairobi, hosted by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and World Resources Institute (WRI) and sponsored by the FIA Foundation, new research will be presented exploring why road safety is such a pressing (and growing) issue, what improvements are currently being made, and what needs to happen now to keep people safe.
Clearly the motorcyclist attempted to join the highway without due regard for on coming traffic. Training targeting "boda boda" (taxi) motorcyclists would have avertered these kind of situations.
Institutionalizing road safety in every aspect of the transport sector is key to reducing road casualties and fatalities.