Promoting Soot Free and Sustainable Transport in Africa
Kenya hosted Ten African Cities and several regional and international agencies to a two-day workshop aimed at promoting soot free and sustainable public transport in Africa. The main objective of the workshop was to support stakeholder engagement on the need to adopt soot free public transport and transform the informal public transport to formalized public transport. Recommendations on the workshop can be viewed here.

Sustainable Transport Africa was instrumental in planning, organising and financing the workshop held on 30-31 May 2016 at Crowne Plaza Nairobi.
H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya and Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations leave after addressing Transport Ministers and delegates at the Africa Sustainable Transport Forum's 1st Ministerial and Experts Conference on Sustainable Transport in Africa.
In attendance were Transport Ministers from Sudan, Uganda, Chad, Burundi, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Malawi, Republic of the Congo, Somali Republic, South Sudan, Zimbabwe and Kenya. Also in attendance were Transport Deputy Ministers and Principle Secretaries from Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Seychelles, Niger and Kenya.
Children who participated in the Kibera Youth Poster Competition on Sustainable Transport were awarded with prizes at UNEP grounds in Nairobi and their artwork displayed for delegates.
The winning poster from the senior category of the Kibera Youth Poster Competition on Sustainable Transport on display at UNEP's grounds during the 1st Ministerial and Experts Conference on Sustainable Transport in Africa.
The 1st Ministerial and Experts Conference on Sustainable Transport in Africa& Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) Meetings and General Assembly, will be hosted at UNEP's Headquarters in Nairobi from 27th to 31st October 2014.
The Conference will have a 2-day experts session (October 28-29), followed by a one-day Ministerial session (October 30).
The children art competition finalists from the Uweza Art Gallery in Kibera slums were treated to a tour of the UNEP Headquarters complex in Nairobi and newly constructed green building.
The children art competition finalists from the Uweza Art Gallery from Kibera slums pose next to the welcome message in Swahili at UNEP's Headquaters in Nairobi.
Jane Metcalfe (with blue bag), Head of the Africa Sustainable Transport Forum shows the art competition finalist children from Uweza Art Gallery in Kibera slums the solar energy project at UNEP's Headquarters in Nairobi along with Nyaga Kebuchi (purple shirt), Director of Sustainable transport Africa.
A view of Kibera slums taken when the Directors of Sustainable Transport Africa visited the Uweza Art Gallery at the slums to brief the children on the subject of the art competition.
One of the children at the Uweza Art Gallery works on an art project as the Directors of Sustainable Transport Africa brief the children on the subject of the art competition.