AHEAD OF THE GAME: Battery powered electric motorcycle with lithium-ion batteries on sale at Mumbai Mall in Nairobi's Gikomba area
Electric Mobility on display at Africa Clean Mobility Week at UN Environment from 12th to 16th March 2018 Sustainable Transport Africa sourced the battery electric motorcycle on display, which will be the focus of our project activity to bring locally manufactured eMobility to Eastern Africa.
Delegates from 42 African countries actively participated at the Africa Clean Mobility Week 2018 held at UN Environment in Nairobi and made recommendations on Fuel Economy, Electric Mobility, Used Vehicles and Non-Motorised-Transport (NMT).
A brief on the progress made by The Used Vehicles Working Group was given by Sustainable Transport Africa at the Africa Clean Mobility Week 2018 where the focus was on rationalizing international trade in used vehicles to reduce harmful health emissions and improve on vehicle safety.
Sustainable Transport Africa involved in a high-level discussion on Road Safety in Nairobi, hosted by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and World Resources Institute (WRI) and sponsored by the FIA Foundation
UATP Workshop on Promoting Soot-Free and Sustainable Public Transport in Africa with participants from several African countries, was held in Nairobi and organized by Sustainable Transport Africa.
Sustainable Transport Africa participated in the PCFV's 11th Global Partnership Meeting held in London on 6-7 June 2016 and the GFEI Networking and Training Workshop held in Paris on 8-9 June 2016 to promote the global agenda of cleaner more fuel efficient vehicles.
His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya and Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon pose with African Transport Ministers and Delegates after they addressed the 1st Ministerial and Experts Conference on Sustainable Transport in Africa along with Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director and Under Secretary General to the United Nations and other dignitaries.

Video summarizing "The Evolution of Urban Transport in Africa" exhibition at UNEA produced by Sustainable Transport Africa with a welcome message at the end from Kenya's UNON Ambasador Kimani for the 1st Ministerial and Experts Conference on Sustainable transport in Africa
The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) held at UNEP's Headquarters in Nairobi, from the 23rd to 27th June, 2014 was the venue for an exhibition on "The Evolution of Urban Transport in Africa" by the African Sustainable Transport Forum (ASTF) with assistance from Sustainable Transport Africa who organized the exhibits.
Bus Rapid Transit display board with models made from local materials by street artists developed in association with Sustainable Transport Africa.
The 1st Ministerial and Experts Conference on Sustainable Transport in Africa to be held at UNEP's Headquarters in Nairobi from the 27th to 31st October, 2014 will be hosted by the Africa Sustainable Transport Form (ASTF) with organizational assistance from Sustainable Transport Africa.
Uweza Art Gallery Director, Steve Kyenze (right) and Sustainable Transport Africa Director, Nyaga Kebuchi, brief art students from Kibera slums on the theme of the art competition.
Uweza Art Gallery, helping poor students of Kibera slums in Nairobi to polish their talents in Art, is working with the Africa Sustainable Transport Forum and Sustainable Transport Africa to organize an Art competition for the Kibera Art students on sustainable transport in Africa, where winning students from the various age categories will be awarded with contributions towards their school fees along with participation awards for all shortlisted participants.
Sustainable Transport Africa Director, Henry Kamau, with some participants of the Africa Transport Policy Forum held in Dakar, Senegal in December 2013
Sustainable Transport Africa participates in the "Africa Transport Policy Forum" held in Dakar, Senegal which focused on the effects of the transport sector on promoting a people-centered, socioeconomic development agenda particularly as African economies continue to grow and expand.
The World Bank and UNEP are establishing an "Africa Sustainable Transport Forum" that will provide a platform for high-level attention and policy dialogue on access to environmentally sustainable transport in Africa.
Sustainable Transport Africa received a certificate for participating in a GIZ-SUTP training program on the "Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP)" also held in Dakar, Senegal.
Sustainable Transport Africa provided the image of Tevin Njuguna (right) used in the promotion.
Transport is the fastest growing source of CO2 emissions contributing to 13% of global emissions and 23% of all energy related emissions. Sustainable Transport Africa has contributed to and endorsed the "Warsaw Statement on Low Carbon Transport and Sustainable Development" to be adopted at Transport Day 2013.
Sustainable Transport Africa participated in the EAC Sub-Regional Low-Sulphur Workshop held by PIEA and funded by UNEP in conjunction with the CCAC where viable recommendations were made for the EAC region to achieve it's target of 50ppm Low-Sulphur Fuel by 2015. At the workshop, Sustainable Transport Africa made a presentation on "Reducing HDV Emissions".
UN HABITAT released their report "Planning and Design for Sustainable Urban Mobility: Global Report on Human Settlements 2013" made available for download here UN HABITAT.
The PSV Stakeholders' Consultative Meeting held in Nairobi was addressed by the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and Infrastructure Eng. Michael Kamau who introduced proposed draft regulations for the sector designed to curb rising road fatalities while increasing operating efficiency and enhanced security in the sector.